
Showing posts from April, 2024

What people say or think about me is none of my business

  What a very interesting comment?   But it is worth reflecting on. When I first read it I was taken aback and then I wondered what if it is true? What if I did not concern myself with what people think about me? We all like to be liked. We like to create a good impression. And, of course In daily life it is important that we portray a good image of ourselves and not be disagreeable.   You will have your own reaction to the above quote but I think it is also empowering.   When I thought about it I realized I should leave the other person their freedom to form their own opinions.   I need to be free to live from my own inner truth and convictions. We are on a journey and with the help of God we all try to work on improving ourselves. And we ask God where we need to improve. While reflecting on the above I was reminded of St Th é r è se. St Th é r è se in her book, the   Story of a Soul talks about an occasion when a sister came into a room where the community were gathered and

Real-life Resurrection

  It’s not easy for us to grasp the reality of Christ’s Resurrection. None of us has ever witnessed a dead person come to life again. We must use our imaginations in order to try and understand what it was like for his family and friends to see him fully alive again in person and sharing meals and conversations with them. Yet, sometimes in life we catch a glimpse of the real miracle and wonder of Resurrection. These are times of grace, and I would like to share my personal experience of Resurrection these past few weeks. For 23 years I have ministered to people in prison through correspondence and offering them a loyal friendship. Exactly one month ago, one of my friends learned that a judge had granted his release. He has been decades in prison and has worked hard to improve himself in that time. Now he is a new man with a future ahead of him as he re-joins society. He has paid the price and done his time and now it is time for him to live a new life of Resurrection! When I head