The Great Week of Love

Yes, Holy Week and the Easter Triduum is a journey into the heart of God’s forgiveness and compassion – the greatest Love Story ever told. 

 God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whoever believes in Him may not be lost but may have eternal life. (Jn. 3) 

 Pope Francis in his wonderful letter Misericordiae Vultus says: “Jesus Christ is the face of the Father’s Mercy.” Then he makes up a new word “mercifying.” God’s gaze has mercified us he tells us, blessing us with kindness, empathy, mercy and love. Isn’t it wonderful that through the loving gaze of Jesus God has revealed to you and to me that we are his loving children. Pope Francis says, “God is always first, first to wait for us, first to love us, first to help us.” 

Let us hold that wonderful news in our hearts this Holy Week .Through God’s gentleness and compassion, we have been mercified. We in turn can be merciful to each other. We can change the way we receive people into our lives and share with them. We can build a new world. 

 Fr. Kieran O’ Mahony has pointers for Prayer in his book on Holy Week, Hearers of the Word. He says: "the injustice and brutality of the Passion of Jesus makes it a difficult story to read as good news. Yet in the midst of that cruelty, the courageous , faithful and self -sacrificing love that Jesus shows for us shines through. 
 Human love can also be painful. When have you experienced the courage, fidelity and self-sacrifice of others in their love for you? When have you shown that kind of love to others as a parent, a spouse or a friend or in some other relationship? 
 We read the Passion story in the light of the Resurrection. What seemed a humiliating and shameful failure for Jesus was not the end of the story. Perhaps with hindsight you can look back at something that seemed like a tragedy at the time but where out of that tragedy new life and new possibilities followed for you?"

So, this Holy Week, let us cry out in gladness “Blessings on Him who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest Heavens.


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