God’s dream for us


 On this mountain the Lord of Hosts will prepare for all peoples a banquet of rich food.

 On this mountain the Lord will remove the mourning veil covering all peoples. He will destroy death forever.

The Lord will wipe away the tears from every cheek:

 He will take away His people’s shame everywhere on earth.

 That day it will be said: see this is our God in whom we hoped for salvation.

Isaiah 25.

 In this passage don’t we catch a glimpse of God’s dream for the world. He dreams that we will be His family on earth, caring for each other, sharing with each other,  weeping for each other. Jesus came to show us  what this family of God would look like -  where no one would go hungry or thirsty or naked or sick or be in prison with no one to visit them. Jesus is Emmanuel – God with us and He will never leave us. Not only is He with us but He is in each of us so His kingdom of love and goodness can grow through you and me and everyone. When we do good, His love is shining out of your eyes and mine.

 Advent is a great time to let the dream of God warm our hearts and fill us with hope even in the midst of our war-torn world where men, women and children suffer so grievously. Let us listen to St. Paul who encourages us not be overcome by evil but to overcome evil with good. God’s love and goodness in the heart of His children is unstoppable though it never hits the headlines.

   So let us cry out this Advent - O Emmanuel stay with us forever. Live and love through us and let God’s dream for his family be fulfilled.


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