The Journey through November
We come to the end of the month in which we remember our beloved dead. This year it was very real for us as we journeyed with our sister during her final days on earth. Sr. Majella completed her particular journey and passed from this world on 18th November. The month was full of anniversaries for her – her entrance into Carmelite life, her Solemn Profession and her birthday. The latter she celebrated in heaven.
As we watched and waited with Sr. Majella on the final days of her life many questions were running through my head and I am sure different questions for each of us. The rhythm of life seemed to slow down as the focus of our attention was on that awesome journey that Majella was making. Yes, we prayed but then fell silent. The nurses and health care assistants made her as comfortable as possible. We reassured her that we were with her and would not leave her.
Sr. Majella would have been aware of the words of Pope Benedict when he spoke about the final encounter with Christ ‘This encounter transforms and frees us allowing us to become truly ourselves. His gaze, the touch of his heart heals us. At the moment of encounter, we experience and we absorb the overwhelming power of his love. The pain of love becomes our salvation and our joy. Grace allows us all to hope and to go trustfully to meet our God whom we know as our advocate.’
This great LOVE is
reaching out tenderly to all of us no matter how weak or poor we may feel. Let
us go trustfully to meet God in our daily life which will carry us through into eternal life.
May Sr. Majella and all our saints, small and great, intercede for us.
May she rest in
eternal peace.
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