75 Years on the Carmelite Road


“E.M.S. is not what you think” is the title of a book by my nephew in the States sharing his exciting experiences as a paramedic in E.M.S. (Emergency Medical Services).

Carmelite life is not what you might think, about “strict fasting and hard corporal penances”!

On my final visit to Kilmacud Carmel before entering, the novice mistress advised me, as a preparation for the Carmelite life, to make “little acts of self-denial” – what my mother in her native tongue along with St Therese would call “petites sacrifices”. It was simple advice, and wise too!

As a novice, my mother gave me a present of a Bible (trans. Ronald Knox). Two powerful passages have really sustained me all down the years.

“It is I, the Lord your God, who hold you by the hand and whisper to you: ‘do not be afraid for I am here to help you’ “ (Is.41:13).

“As the Father loves me, I love you. Remain in my love.” (John 15:9)

I witnessed the election of several Prioresses. Great characters with different personalities, but all were blessed with genuine prudence and wonderful kindness.

I had a novice companion who had a great sense of humour, full of fun and pranks! I owe her a lot. By just being herself, she kept me afloat when I was at a low ebb.

Prayer, a loving relationship with the Lord, and the petite sacrifices that crop up in many ways every day prove priceless.

St Therese believed  that “the smallest actions done with love win the heart of Jesus more than brilliant deeds”.

So, to “put your whole self in” to prayer and sacrifice and to live by love in his presence.

That’s what it’s all about!


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