I was recently given a link to an article
in a Jewish History website and was amazed to read that new research into
ancient documents found in Egypt, indicate that the first alphabet was invented
by Joseph the son of Jacob, the Joseph who was sold as a slave by his brothers
and ended up saving Egypt and the surrounding country from famine.
For a long time scholars thought that the
Phoenicians had invented the alphabet but they could not fit Phoenician words
with the texts. As far back as 1920
Hebrew had been suggested but it was discounted as was the theory suggested by
W. F. Albright, a gifted scholar of Biblical Archaeology, who believed that
these writings were the work of Israelite slaves.
The oldest of these texts dates from about
1800 B.C. and the most recent from the late 1500s B.C. After that, the alphabet
has not been found in Egypt but it suddenly appeared in Canaan. Scholars were
puzzled, but to those familiar with the Old Testament this clearly indicates
the Hebrew people, the only ones who would have known this language.
However, it is unlikely that the Hebrew
slaves would have been able to create an alphabet, whoever did it had to be
very skilled with language and used to reading the hieroglyphics used before
the creation of the alphabet as well as being a native Hebrew speaker.
This description fits Joseph so exactly a
Hebrew who became the trusted servant of Pharaoh in Egypt. (See Genesis Chapter
41 ff.)
For more detail as to the discoveries and
illustrations see
Image: Wikimedia Commons
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