The Protection of our Mother Mary


This week we are still in the glow of the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Yes, the Carmelite family all over the world is rejoicing in having Mary as our Mother and Protectress and thanking her for her countless blessings. The cradle of our Order is Mount Carmel in the Holy Land where the

early hermits around the end of the 12th. century built a small chapel in honour our Lady. They regarded her as their model in teaching them to pray and in helping them to share the fruits of their prayer with others.

 I remember the joy of receiving the habit of Carmel as a young nun and in learning the little prayers that we say as we put it on each day. “Queen beauty of Carmel, you have given us a sign of your Protection” is the one as we slip the scapular over our shoulders each morning.

 Over the centuries, people wanted to be associated with orders devoted to Our Lady, so the custom grew of giving then some part of the religious habit. The brown scapular was the sign for the Carmelite family. All who wear it are accepting the challenge to live a full Christian life of prayer and service modelled on the example of Mary who is the perfect disciple of her son Jesus. It is a sign too of the spiritual bond that unites all who wear the brown scapular in her honour into the great religious family of Carmel.

 People call to us looking for the protection of Mary over their sick or troubled or dying loved ones.

 Carmel is all Mary’s, and her presence pervades our monasteries.

Her protection is over you too. She is there for everyone. 

  Rejoice and be glad to have such a Mother.


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