The Amaryllis


To adapt Nikos Kazantzakis’ words

‘I said to the Amaryllis-

Speak to me of the Resurrection,

And the Amaryllis blossomed...’


Our green-fingered Sr. Monica had nearly given up on her Amaryllis plants.  They were covered and badly infected with white fly, shiny and sticky ... as good as dead.  She radically cut them back to the base...  

Lo and behold, from the bed of new healthy leaves 4 strong stalks emerged, one after the other: 2 magnificent tall white ones and then up surged a glorious rich crimson one with another to follow...

They bloomed just in time for Easter and seem to ring out:


I find myself going back to them again and again as they adorn our cloister corridor.

 Breath-taking  Stunning  Awesome... A parable of the Resurrection

Life out of death;  evoking something of the surprize and wonder of the Easter Gospels..

At this time all of Creation seems to have been caught up in the joy and radiance of the Resurrection, welcoming the Lord of Life...


... and even now sharing in a foretaste of the power and beauty of the Resurrection- a tiny glimpse of the transfiguration that awaits each one of us too when he will ‘Easter in us’ and the seeds of glory sown in the depths of our lowliness will burst forth and flower the Amaryllis... when we see his Face....





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