God's Love


God so loved the world so much that He gave His only Son… John 3:16

Really that is the heart of Lent isn’t it – that we come to know the depths of God’s love for each of us. Imagine that He loved us so much that He gave us his only Son to draw us into His very own Life and Love. We have God’s very own love in our hearts to share with one another.  So, Lent  has to be about  loving, prodding us to wake up to the wonder of God’s love searching us out,  and calling us to love to one another.

   A young newly married couple from India once came on a holiday to  Ireland.

 A little child dashed out in front of their car and was killed to the immense sadness of the couple and the unbearable sorrow of the parents of the little one. The Indian couple returned to their country with heavy hearts . But a year later, they came back  with their first born child and presented him to the sorrowing parents. They genuinely came to hand over their precious first-born  child. We can just imagine that even if the parents of the dead child did not take their child from them, a huge healing must have happened in their sorrowing hearts to see the love and care of this young Indian couple for them in their grief.

  God so loved the world that He gave his only Son…..

 He wants our happiness and our well being and He gave us His only Son  to show us the way to be truly happy. He wants us to live as brothers and sisters, helping each other and bearing each other’s burdens.

 One of our Sisters sings the hymn  called God so loved the world  by Stainer every Good Friday  during the ceremonies and it is hauntingly beautiful.

 Let’s listen to God’s love pleading with us in another hymn.

                                Come back to me

  Come back to me with all your heart, don’t let fear keep us apart.

 Long have I waited for your coming home to me and living deeply our new life.

 Every day is a new opportunity for living this new life.



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