Come to Him
February is upon us with all its signs of Spring to cheer our hearts: snowdrops daffodils, birdsong, to name but a few. St. Brigid, Secondary Patroness of Ireland, heralds it in. An ancient writing about her says: “Everything that Brigid would ask of the Lord was granted her at once. For this was her desire: to satisfy the poor, to rid of every hardship, to spare every miserable one. She was simple before God; she was compassionate to the suffering, she was splendid in good works.” Only yesterday a mother told me that she had gone to the Shrine of St. Brigid in Faughert for a healing blessing for herself and her sick son. So, Brigid’s influence lives on. Who does not look forward to the healing feast of Our Lady of Lourdes on February 11th? There is no end to the queue of people at this time in need of healing: children, teenagers, parents young and old, all wanting to drink from the spring of Christ’s healing waters.
Then comes St.
Valentine’s Day on February 14th to warm the hearts of all who love
or want to be loved.
Our beloved
Sr. Kevin who died a year ago at the age of almost 99 used to busy herself
writing little love notes. She would often include
a little poem or verse she
had read that appealed to her. Here is one of the very last she wrote in our
to Him
Never think that no one cares. There is always
One who shares,
All your troubles, all your cares,
Come to him.
What if others seem unkind, what if no one
seems to mind.
Help in Him you’ll always find.
Come to Him.
Does your heart sink like a stone? Into
troubled waters thrown.
Struggle not to rise alone.
Come to Him.
Always He is waiting there. Longing all your
loads to share,
When things seem too heard to bear,
Come to Him.
There is One who understands, all your eager
heart demands,
Come and place it in His Hands.
Come to Him.
Let it be an early Valentine tweet of Love
from Heaven for you and me and everyone,
as we live through this healing month of
Image of St Brigid's Well (Tobar Bride), Co. Kildare: Taken from Wikimedia, Attributed to: Eflmd, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons
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