Journey’s End or Beginning?
‘What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning.’ TS Elliot Over the past few weeks two rowing boats from Ireland called Brugha and Crean joined 43 other boats to be part of the Atlantic challenge. There were 5 men in the Brugha and 4 in the Crean. They were going to row 3,000 miles. They were facing high temperatures, high winds with waves reaching 30 feet and the possibility of meeting ‘curious’ sharks and flying fish. We heard about their intense preparations and training. It took two years. They had goals they wished to reach one of these was to win the race. But they were aware that there was more to the experience than winning the race. They knew that teamwork was essential. If they didn’t row in harmony they would make it harder for each other. They set another set of goals for themselves; that they were leaving as friends and they were committed to growing in their friendship or at least remaining friends. That they would not wi...