St Therese
In a nut- shell Therese tells each of us - you are God’s precious child. He delights in you. You are the apple of His eye. Have boundless confidence in your merciful loving Abba Father. Dare to hope. That same power which raised Jesus from the dead is working in you too. Nourish your life on the Scriptures. Be love in the heart of the church and the world.. But Therese, tell us again how you came by this wisdom at a time when God was seen as a stern judge. Your Mother died of breast cancer when you were only 4 and the life nearly went out of you with grief and loss. Your sisters became your little mothers but you were still fragile and lost. “God would have to work a little miracle to make me grow up. I was really unbearable because of my extreme touchiness. It was Christmas night of 1886 that I received the grace of my complete conversion…He made me a fisher of souls. I felt charity enter into my soul...