Dear Sr. Kevin, Today, 7th. June 2023 you were born a hundred years ago from Government buildings. Now you are at Home in the Father’s House in Heaven and we sense your happiness and joy. We like to think that you are doing what St. Thérèse said she would do - spending your Heaven doing good upon earth especially bringing peace to war-torn Ukraine. You entered life at a most difficult time in the history of our Country. The Civil war was only a few months formally ended when your mother gave birth to you. You came in the wake of the killing of your Grandfather Dr. Thomas O’ Higgins as a reprisal for his son Kevin’s role in the execution of four leading Republicans. Small wonder then that your young Daddy who carried such terrible pain in his heart, would see in you his first born little daughter, a sign of peace, an olive branch. Your parents remembered that in the Bible Noah had sent out a dove to see if the waters were receding from the surfaces of...