Small is beautiful...
Have you marvelled at the vast expanse of ocean or the teeming forests of our beautiful planet home... Have you stood in breathless wonder before a stunning sunset or sunrise and were lost for words before the powerful thunder of the Niagara Falls...? But have you equally and even been more taken out of yourself by the miracle of your firstborn you counted ten tiny toes and fingers and kissed the perfection of every little toenail, nose and ears... Small is beautiful.... God thinks so too. He always looks for the little ones to let his Glory shine through their poverty and humility...Isn’t that what he did for Mary, whose name means, Beloved by Yahweh ... and it was mostly to child seers that Mary has appeared on earth. ‘Little Therese’ too could rejoice that ’God willed to let his Mercy shine out in me’... Small is beautiful in God’s eyes. During the prolonged Covid lockdown what we missed most were the little things of life; the dai...